Field Courses

The Life Sciences Department at SRJC has a long-standing tradition of offering natural history field trip experiences through various full and partial semester courses. These courses are intended to provide broad environmental education as well as specific information about a wide variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. These courses are designed for anyone who has an interest in natural history, species identification, ecology, or environmental issues.

Current Offerings

Full Semester:
BIO 25- Marine Biology
BOTANY 60- Field Botany
BIO 85.1- Pepperwood Natural History: Physical Environment
BIO 85.2- Pepperwood Natural History: Biotic Environment

In our current economic climate, the Life Sciences Department is not able to offer any short field courses. The courses listed above are all elective courses for biology majors. BIO 25 and BIO 26 both include field trips to Marine environments. BOTANY 60 offers a chance to learn about the plants and ecology of the many ecosystems located in Sonoma County. BIO 85.1 and 85.2 provide education about the geology, native cultures, flora, fauna and ecology of the Pepperwood Preserve, and provide students the required training to become Pepperwood Preserve stewards.

Summer Abroad Course

A biology course, BIO 31: Tropic Biodiversity and Conservation, was offered in Costa Rica in the summers of 2003, 2007, and 2009. It has been a long time since the Department has been able to offer a summer course in Costa Rica, but we hope that this program will resume in the near future. For more info, please see the SRJC Study Abroad Program page.